© Gates Archive I Dominique Catton I Ridouane Moctar (9m) is weighed and then given a weight dose of azithromycin during the ongoing MORDOR study in Niabéré Béla, Niger I 2018


Resources are tangible and intangible capital and sources of power that women and girls have, own, or use individually or collectively in exercising agency. The key resources included in the empowerment model are bodily integrity (health, safety and security), critical consciousness, and assets (financial and productive assets, knowledge and skills, time, and social capital).


Transformative change is dynamic and iterative and empowerment as a process of social transformation is a journey that takes diverse pathways that can be unpredictable and non-linear. Changes in existing power relations might lead to increased tension and violence towards women and girls even as they develop greater agency. For example, unintended consequences could include: increased conflict; violence; time burden; and transfer of responsibilities to others who may be more marginalized. These incidences of backlash and unintended consequences are important to capture to determine the extent of women and girls’ empowerment.


Learn more about the different dimensions of resources by clicking on the links below.